Algerian Disinformation vs. Facts: Slovenia Reaffirms Support for Moroccan Autonomy Initiative on the Sahara


The Slovenian capital of Ljubljana was the scene this Friday of a meeting between Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon and her Algerian counterpart, Ahmed Attaf. As usual, the Algerian diplomacy seized this opportunity to launch a disinformation campaign, falsely claiming that Slovenia supports the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination and denies its support for Morocco’s autonomy initiative for the Sahara. These allegations, however, have no basis in truth.

In a statement released after the meeting, Algerian diplomacy asserted that Slovenia had expressed a “clear and firm” position in favor of the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination, categorically rejecting Moroccan claims regarding Slovenia’s support for the Moroccan autonomy initiative. These allegations are part of a continuous Algerian media campaign aimed at distorting facts and manipulating international positions in favor of its separatist agenda.

However, the truth was clearly established in Ljubljana. The joint communiqué issued by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs after the meeting reiterated Slovenia’s strong support for the UN-led political process to resolve the Sahara issue, emphasizing the need for a “just, durable, and mutually acceptable political solution,” which aligns perfectly with the Moroccan autonomy initiative that enjoys broad international support.

For its part, the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs had already clarified in a previous statement that Slovenia, during a meeting in Rabat between Nasser Bourita and Tanja Fajon, had expressed its support for the Moroccan initiative, considering it a “serious and credible basis” for a final solution to the conflict. This statement categorically refutes the Algerian allegations and once again confirms the growing international support for Morocco’s position.

Despite Algeria’s attempts to leverage its minister’s visit to bolster its position on the Sahara issue, the bilateral meeting between the Slovenian and Algerian Foreign Ministers primarily focused on strengthening bilateral cooperation in the fields of economy, energy, and security, with no change in Slovenia’s firm position on the Sahara issue. The communiqué released by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted that the two countries agreed to enhance economic cooperation, especially in the energy sector, with agreements signed to strengthen relations between the Slovenian company Geoplin and the Algerian company Sonatrach.

it is clear that Algeria’s disinformation campaign has failed to achieve its objectives, with Slovenia reaffirming its neutral position and support for the international political process under the auspices of the United Nations. Rather than succumbing to Algerian maneuvers, Slovenia chose to adhere to the principles of international law and support UN efforts to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the Sahara conflict, thereby reinforcing Morocco’s position and backing its vision for resolving this conflict within a framework of transparency and realism.

This Slovenian stance deals a severe blow to Algeria’s attempts to mislead international public opinion and strengthens the growing international support for Morocco and its autonomy initiative as the sole and sustainable solution to this prolonged conflict.

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