32 Political Parties out of 34 Produced Their Accounts for Court of Auditors

Regarding the production of annual accounts, the Court of Auditors notes that 32 parties, out of 34, have produced their accounts for the Court. The Moroccan Liberal Party and the National Union of Popular Forces Party have not fulfilled this obligation, the Court of Auditors says in a statement.
According to the statements of the political parties, their resources total an amount of 127.39 million dirhams, against expenditure amounting to 145.73 million dirhams, the same source adds. In accordance with the laws and regulations in force, some parties have returned to the Treasury a total amount of 5.07 million dirhams in 2019 and 7.08 million dirhams in 2020, according to the main observations of the audit of political parties’ accounts.
However, other parties have not returned to the Treasury an amount of MAD 13.75 million. This is the amount of undue support (difference between the advance paid to the party and the amount of support due to it in view of the election results), unused (difference between the amount of support granted and the amount of expenditure incurred) or used for purposes not provided for by the regulatory texts in force) or not supported by supporting documents.
Regarding the certification of accounts by accountants, it was noted that among the 32 parties that produced their accounts, 28 parties produced certified accounts, of which 26 without reservation and 02 with reservation as well as 03 parties produced reports by accountants who do not comply with standard 5700 of the manual of legal and contractual audit standards established by the national council of the order of accountants of Morocco.
In addition, the report shows that one (01) party produced its account which is not certified by a chartered accountant and 05 parties did not produce all of the tables forming the statement of additional information (ETIC).