UN Official : SDCF 2023-2027 Reflects United Nations’ Commitment to Support Morocco’s Efforts to Achieve 2030 SDGs

In a speech delivered on the occasion of the signing ceremony of the new Cooperation Framework between Morocco and the United Nations, Fustier said that the SDCF was developed jointly with the Moroccan government and is aligned with the transformation goals of the New Development Model as well as with the SDGs.
This framework was also developed in line with government priorities, human rights and gender approach, in addition to identifying the comparative advantage of the UN system in a middle-income country such as Morocco, she added.
In this regard, the UN official highlighted the Kingdom’s various achievements in sustainable development, including the rate of child immunization which stands at 95%, the implementation of the social protection generalization and universal health coverage (70% of the population), in addition to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 45.5% by 2030 in accordance with the Paris Agreement.
For a country rich in human resources and driven by the visionary leadership of His Majesty the King, the added value of the UN is first and foremost its capacity to gather, she continued, noting that “this capacity to gather, disseminate and exchange is a resource for Morocco, both to improve its trajectory and to highlight its own successes and share its experience and expertise in the region and beyond.”
In September 2023, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, heads of state and government will meet in New York to monitor and review the mid-term implementation of the 2030 Agenda of the 17 SDGs, she argued, noting that “this will also be an opportunity to take stock of the implementation of the UN reform, which Morocco has supported and of which it has been the first contributor among African states, through the Special Purpose Trust Fund (SPTF).”
She added that this meeting will also be an opportunity for the Kingdom to make its contribution to the global discussion on the response to the multiple and intertwined crises facing the world. “This meeting will be the halfway point: we have 7 years left to make the vision carried by the SDGs a reality,” she said.
Signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Expatriates Nasser Bourita and the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Morocco, the Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework represents the reference instrument for planning and monitoring the implementation of United Nations activities in Morocco, for the achievement of the 2030 Development Agenda.
The signing ceremony marks the effective entry into force of the fifth five-year cycle of development cooperation between the Government of Morocco and the United Nations System.
This step paves the way for the implementation of the Cooperation Framework, through its activities of resource mobilization, execution of planned programs, monitoring and assessment.
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