Morocco Faces a Strategic Opportunity to Strengthen Security and Military Cooperation with Mauritania and Mali

Morocco Faces a Strategic Opportunity to Strengthen Security and Military Cooperation with Mauritania and Mali

Analysis/ ALDAR

If Morocco manages to leverage its military and security expertise, through the Royal Armed Forces (FAR), to establish a security and military cooperation framework with Mauritania and Mali, it may have an unprecedented strategic opportunity to enhance its role in the Sahel and Sahara region.

For a long time, Mali has been suffering from repeated terrorist threats originating from its border areas, where militants infiltrate through Mauritania into the southwestern part of the country—regions that are economically and strategically vital.

The proposed idea is for both Mauritania and Mali to focus efforts on securing their “vital” territories—areas that form the heart of the economy and development in each country—at the expense of the uninhabited desert areas that are difficult to secure.

This strategy requires a redistribution of tasks between the two countries to unify their efforts in protecting regions facing security threats. In this context, “defensive lines” could be established, consisting of a series of forts, sand or stone walls, and mines to prevent armed groups from accessing these important areas.

Through this strategy, protected lands could be more effectively utilized for developmental projects, such as safe international tourism that would attract foreign visitors, as well as enhancing trade between the two countries. Furthermore, this cooperation would improve economic coordination, as both countries face common challenges in strengthening their economies, which will indirectly benefit Morocco by fostering regional stability.

The current situation presents a unique opportunity for Morocco: relations between Mali and Algeria are in continuous decline, and Algeria itself is facing internal and external challenges that make it less able to respond to crises in the Sahel region.

In contrast, many indicators suggest that Mauritania is increasingly inclined to strengthen its ties with Morocco, opening the door to security and military cooperation that could help reshape the balance of influence in the region.

If this cooperation is successfully implemented, Morocco will be in a strong position to capitalize on this strategic opportunity, not only to enhance its own security but also to strengthen its regional influence in West Africa.

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