Premier Li Qiang Attends Groundbreaking Ceremony for East Coast Rail Link Gombak Integrated Terminal Station with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim


On the afternoon of June 19 local time, Premier of the State Council Li Qiang attended the groundbreaking ceremony for Malaysia’s East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) Gombak integrated terminal station with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

Upon arrival at the Gombak station, the two prime ministers were warmly welcomed by working staff from both countries. They then heard reports on the construction of the project, and made remarks respectively.

Li Qiang first expressed appreciation to the hard-working builders from both sides. He said that the ECRL is a flagship project of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation between the two countries, and he is confident that with the joint efforts of both sides, the construction of the project will be high-quality, efficient, safe, and reliable, making the railway a model of excellence, and a fine example of Belt and Road cooperation.

Li Qiang noted that the ECRL will not only serve as a transportation artery in Malaysia, but also play an important role in promoting development, creating employment and improving people’s livelihood. China is ready to work hand in hand with Malaysia to make the ECRL a path to prosperity and happiness that truly delivers for the people. China is also ready to work actively with Malaysia to explore ways to link the ECRL with the China-Laos and China-Thailand railways, to promote greater progress in the construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, and make greater contributions to enhancing regional connectivity and deepening the development of the ASEAN Community.

Anwar said that the ECRL project, which connects the east and west coasts of Malaysia, is of great significance in promoting Malaysia’s economic and social development. Malaysia appreciates the cooperation between Chinese and local enterprises in Malaysia in advancing this important project. He is confident that with the joint efforts of both sides and on the strength of the “China speed” and advanced technology, the ECRL will be completed at an early date, injecting strong impetus into the development of Malaysia and regional countries.

The two prime ministers jointly pushed the lever to officially kick off the construction of the Gombak station.

Wu Zhenglong participated in the above event.

The ECRL starts from Kota Bharu in the north, and runs south to Kuantan before turning westward to Port Klang, with a total length of 665 kilometers. It is the largest standalone transportation infrastructure project undertaken by Chinese companies overseas.

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