Lower House Speaker : Anti-Morocco Actions in EP Constitute Interference in States’ Internal Affairs

The actions of some parties in the European Parliament (EP) against Morocco constitute interference in the internal affairs of states, said House of Representatives Speaker Rachid Talbi Alami.

“This interference is not based on principles or values, but is motivated by cyclical interests and led by lobbies that are more active with the rise in energy prices,” said Talbi Alami during a debate dedicated to EP’s hostile, blatant and recurrent attacks against the Kingdom, organized by the two chambers of the Moroccan Parliament.

The attitude of a political current within the EP is contrary to the relations between Morocco and the EU, the Kingdom’s advanced status towards the Union and all the positions and statements of European officials.

This action is also contrary to the spirit of the Morocco-EU partnership; a partnership on strategic issues for the future of the region and the world (fight against terrorism, migration management, climate change, peace), in which Morocco assumes great responsibilities, said Talbi Alami.

He recalled that the House of Representatives is linked by an EU-funded institutional twinning project with seven European parliaments, noting that this is the second twinning project funded by the EU as a sign of consideration for Moroccan democracy after a first project that linked the House with five European parliaments.

“It is a question of playing with the destiny of countries and indulging in childish behavior,” he stressed, noting that partnership relations must be based on clarity, trust and mutual respect and not on patronage and contempt and denigration of partner institutions.

This meeting, organized by the two Houses of Parliament, will examine the basis of the methodical attacks and misleading accusations made by the EP against the Kingdom in a systematic and presumed manner.

It will be attended by MPs, representatives of civil society, experts and lawyers who will address the instrumentalization of the human rights issue, the targets against the territorial integrity of the Kingdom or the underhand exploitation of the Pegasus case.


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