AUPSC 20th Anniversary: Morocco’s Active Role Highlighted


Morocco’s active role within the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) was highlighted, on Saturday in Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania, on the occasion of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of this permanent decision-making body of the Pan-African organization.

Speaking at the High-Level Conference on PSC 20th anniversary, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to the AU and UNECA, Mohamed Arrouchi, said that Morocco, who has a rich experience and aware of security challenges in Africa, will spare no effort, in concert with SPC member States, to help lay new, strong and lasting foundations for a stable, prosperous and united Africa.

Six years after its return to its institutional family, Morocco’s election for two successive mandates, respectively of 2 years then 3 years (2018-2020 then 2022-2025), to the AUPSC, testifies to the trust, credibility, esteem and recognition given to the African Vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, and to the action carried out, under the leadership of the Sovereign, to enable Africa believe in its potential and build a more promising future, Arrouchi underlined.

They also attest to Moroccan expertise unanimously recognized, in Africa and around the world, in promoting peace and stability, and constitute a consolidation of its efforts aimed at contributing, in a constructive and positive manner, to promoting security in Africa, the Moroccan diplomat noted, adding that these two mandates are also the crowning achievement of its actions undertaken since its return to the pan-African organization.

They recognize the active role of the Kingdom, its credible and solidarity-based initiatives for the stability of Africa and the well-being of African citizens, Arrouchi said.

The Moroccan diplomat reaffirmed that the Kingdom has always called for peace and security in Africa, a goal that can only be achieved through political stability, respect for the principles of non-interference, sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, good neighborliness, as well as the consolidation of the rule of law in Africa.

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