Libya’s Al Mechri Hails Holding of 6+6 Joint Commission in Morocco

In a tweet, Al Mechri expressed his warm thanks to “the Kingdom of Morocco, King, Government and People, for hosting the meetings of the 6+6 joint commission, tasked by the Libyan House of Representatives and High Council of State with drafting electoral laws for the legislative and presidential elections in Libya.”
The Libyan official voiced the hope that the consensus between the Libyan parties would be further strengthened at the forthcoming meetings of the 6+6 joint commission, even though the latest compromise on the drafting of electoral laws is “final” and “binding” under the 13th amendment.
On Tuesday night, the 6+6 joint commission announced that, after two weeks of meetings in Morocco, its members had reached a compromise on the laws governing the presidential and parliamentary elections.
The Bouznika meeting is a continuation of the series of meetings hosted by the Kingdom, bringing together the various Libyan parties with a view to deepening dialogue on the ways and means of resolving the crisis in this country, following an approach that provides the ideal space for dialogue and constructive consultation.
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