
Abu Dhabi: Morocco Particpates in 46th Conference of Arab Police and Security Leaders

The 46th Conference of Arab Police and Security Leaders kicked off, Monday in Abu Dhabi, with the participation of Morocco.

Morocco is represented at this event, which is attended by public security officials from Arab countries and representatives of regional and international bodies and organizations, by an important delegation led by Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance.

This meeting will discuss the results of the implementation of the recommendations of the 45th Conference of Arab Police and Security Leaders and a number of urgent issues, including money laundering crimes, in addition to the results of the meeting of the committee responsible for reformulating the draft Arab strategy to combat human trafficking and organ trafficking.

The two-day conference will also discuss the results of the coordination meeting of the representatives of the concerned authorities in the Arab countries to discuss ways to strengthen cooperation between them in the field of combating terrorism and organized crime, as well as the recommendations of the conferences of the heads of security sectors and the meetings of the committees held within the framework of the General Secretariat during the year 2022.

During the event, a report on the work of the Arab Police Sports Federation for the year 2022 will be presented, in addition to setting the date, place and agenda of the 47th Conference of Arab Police and Security Leaders, in addition to the presentation of a number of distinguished Arab experiences in security.

The conference will discuss the axes of the draft Arab strategy to combat crimes of trafficking in human beings and human organs, and present the winning works of the awareness film contest that the General Secretariat organizes every year as part of efforts to raise awareness against the crime and prevent its dangers.



Aldar : LA MAP

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